Lello Esposito
Lello Esposito / Vulcan Art.a
Lello Esposito lives and works in Naples and New York. A sculptor and painter for almost thirty years, Lello Esposito focuses on the city of Naples and its symbols: Pulcinella, the mask, the egg, the skull, the volcano, the horse, San Gennaro and the horn – in their various stages of metamorphosis.
Over a period of time he has been able to experiment with sculpture and painting and evolved different meanings, dimensions and artistic techniques. He uses various types of materials such as bronze and aluminum for his sculptures and installations, and often makes use of large canvases for his main works. Lello Esposito likes to call himself a “cult artist” because of his artistic research on the archetypes,
symbols, of his city, Naples, that have come to surface throughout history. These are restored, taking on new forms and representations, thus making a significant contribution to the new interpretations of tradition that are essential to all new forms of artistic and cultural experimentation. He has combined an all-embracing passion for art and Naples, which has enabled him to become an emblematic artist with his own unique style. His work is well known throughout Italy and abroad where he participated to a
number of exhibitions.